Top 10 Children Logo

CHILDREN LOGO - Top 10 Children Logo

Today, there are many programs, toys, clothing, books, foodstuffs and games specifically targeted by the marketers towards children. Anything funny and interesting is surely going to grab the attention of a child; therefore, organizations which deal in such children’s products ensure that their business logo matches the standard of kids psyche to communicate effectively with them.

There are loads of logos targeted towards children that have had great recognition around the world. Here are few of the best children logos:

fisher price logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Fisher Price Logo

Fisher-Price Logo:

Fisher Price is a company that makes toys for infants and children. It is a subsidiary of Mattel Inc. Herman Price, Irving Price and Helen Schelle founded the company in 1930, so, the company was named by combining the names of its 2 founders. The animated red color curtain in Fisher-Price logo portrays dancing fonts from left to right that goes well with the slogan of the company: Play, laugh and grow.

Painted turtle logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Painted Turtle Logo

The Painted Turtle Logo:

The Painted Turtle is a camp located near Lake Elizabeth in the Lake Hughes of California. The camp is for chronically and terminally ill children. The Painted turtle was founded by Paul Newman and Page-Hannah Adler in 1999. The turtle theme logo was conceptualized by Adler who said that: It’s an animal that has a tough exterior and soft interior, very much like these kids we are serving.

tom and jerry logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Tom & Jerry Logo

Tom and Jerry Logo:

Tom and Jerry is a series of animated theatrical shots created by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera. The series features the never ending rivalry between the cat and the mouse. The logo of Tom and Jerry features the main characters of this series Tom (the common house cat) and Jerry (the clever mouse). The series has been popular for many years amongst children due to comical fights between two aggressive enemies.

kool aid logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Kool Aid Logo

Kool-Aid Logo:

Kool-Aid is a flavored-drink brand owned by Kraft Foods Company. The famous children beverage “Kool-Aid” was designed by Edwin Perkins and his wife kitty. The versatile fonts of the Kool-Aid logo with the blue shadow appear very refreshing. Kool-Aid man, a frosty pitcher filled with Kool-Aid is the mascot of the drink. The catch fresh “Oh Yeah” of the Kool-Aid man reflects the refreshing feeling that the beverage wants to deliver to the teens.

hot wheels logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Hot Wheels Logo

Hot Wheels Logo:

Hot Wheels, the brand of die cast toy car was introduced by Mattel in 1968. The famous iconic flame logo of the Hot Wheels was designed by “Rick Irons”. The wavy shape of flame in the logo portrays the movements of the toy car and the unique fonts go well with the company name “Hot Wheels”.

brooklyn childrens museum1 - Top 10 Children Logo

Brooklyn Childrens Museum Logo

Brooklyn Children’s Museum Logo:

The Brooklyn Children’s Museum is situated in the Crown Heights of New York City’s most popular area. The museum was founded in 1899 following the proposal from the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science. The spark symbol in logo symbolizes the success of the Museum since 300 more children museums have been created as an inspiration to this museum.

learning express logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Learning Express Logo

Learning Express:

Sharon DiMinico decided to set up her company “Learning Express” when she was inspired by an article published in Inc. Magazine. She opened up her 1st corporate specialty toy store in 1990 at Needham, Massachusetts. The slogan in the logo of Learning Express “Always the perfect toy” highlights the fact that the franchise store deals in providing children with high quality toys.

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Unicef Logo


UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Funds) emphasizes the community level services to promote the health and well being of the children. UNICEF logo depicts the mission of the organization and stands out as an irreplaceable symbol. The olive branches in the logo portray peace, the globe represents people of the earth and the mother holding the child reflects the message care for children.

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Once Upon A Child Logo

Once upon a child Logo:

The first “Once upon a child” store was opened in Ohio in 1984. Once upon a child offers child clothes, toys, furniture and equipment. The letter “O” in the logo of the store has 2 arrows which portray the trade that parents do with the store in exchange of cash for new high quality stuff that the parents desire for their children, while the imbalance fonts depict child’s growth.

diglogo - Top 10 Children Logo

Dig Logo

Dig Magazine Logo:

Dig, the children magazine is published by Cobblestone publishing in association with Archaeological Institute of America. The goal of the magazine is to teach children Archaeology. Dr. Dig has been used as the central character for the magazine to grab the attention of kids. Colorful fonts have been used in the logo to bring the magazine to life as kids love colors.

You should have understood by now that the ideas behind the children logos demand innovation; therefore, the logo designers must have a thorough understanding of children’s psyche at the time of designing whether they are designing a logo for school kids or making the homepage for children oriented websites or any other designing stuff targeted towards kids.

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