Together We Make a Logo Design

working%20together - Together We Make a Logo Design

Creating a logo design is not one person’s job. It takes the client and the designer both to work together and accomplish the task.

If you are a business entrepreneur seeking a logo design for your company, hiring a logo design consultant will be your first priority. However, there is a word of advice for you here, “never leave the job solely to the logo designer”. When a logo design is being made, it is not entirely the work of the logo designer because the client’s input is always necessary for the job. You as the client and your logo designer as the specialist are both required to do it together for the sake of quality and perfection.

This opinion might be a little bit surprising for some people because of the theory that when you need something to be professionally done, leave it completely to the professionals. That’s correct but with a minor alteration in case of a logo design. When it’s about a logo design, you and your logo designer need to be in constant touch from the beginning till the end. Right from the time of giving your creative brief to the initial sampling and from up gradation of design to the final version, you and your designer are supposed to be gelled as a crew.

The main reason for this combined practice philosophy is that the business, the concept and the brand are yours and your logo designer is supposed to combine all these in shape of a logo design. Now if you agree with me on this point, you and your logo designer can proudly say “Together we make a logo design”.

Business Logo Design – The Ins and Outs

This world is full of business opportunities and everyone is minding their own business, well, some are not. There is a belief that everything happens by design not by default and a business logo design is no exception.

This piece of writing is an overview of all dominant factors that influence a business logo design.

Upon the first glance at your business logo, a viewer should know what it stands for. This applies to both the logo and the business in question. A logo design is the flag bearer of your company and shows the very essence of your business. It is the first impression that is bound to last if put up in an articulate manner.

The basic step towards making a business logo design is the readiness to improvise. Improvisation is the norm of modern times and those who fail in it, become vulnerable to run of the mill ideas that form the echelons of mediocrity.

Next to improvisation is the understanding of your own business, its values and aspirations. Try blending these attributes with your imagination and let loose the sluice gates of your mind. You may also have a look at the prevailing techniques in logo design for a little help.

Decide the main components of your business logo design with utmost ardour. Determine the variants of the logo design to have multiple options in hand. Make an array of the colours you would opt to choose for the logo design and mix and match them with your ideas. Be realistic while trying to improvise and never let go the basic element of your business logo design.

Be very sure regarding the use of symbols and / or text in unison with graphic designing and colouration. Come to a decision whether to use images for the logo design or not. Anything that is used in the basic logo design should aptly relate to the name and / or function of the business. Whatever you do, always know that relevance is the key to a concrete idea for a business logo design.

If you have decided to have the full company name for your business logo design, give ultra importance to your font selection. Choose the most attractive and appropriate font that suits the name of your business.

In the end, I’d say again, relevance is the key to all endeavours.

What Logo Designing Actually Is?

3logos4 - What Logo Designing Actually Is?

For a layman to understand logo designing, it is extremely necessary to first understand what a logo design is.

What is a Logo Design?

Logo is the mark of an identity. It is about the emblematic representation and character of an entity individual or communal. Identity is about image. Image creates impression. Impression leads to perception and perception is about appearance and presentation of a person or company be it commercial or otherwise.

As a business concern, a logo is the symbolisation of your business which in turn leads to define who and what you or your brand, product, service are.

What is Logo Designing?

To be short in fact very short and precise, logo designing is an art of constructing illustrative representations of individuals or organisations for promotional purposes.

What is the Importance of Logo Designing?

Customarily logo designing is largely used for outward presentation, publicity and commercial promotions or advertising as the term is usually referred to. As explained earlier, logo designing is related to presentation and advertising. Advertising is about publicity, awareness and hype. All these are part of and lead to marketing in the broader sense. Marketing again is awareness and presentation coupled with availability. Availability leads to sales and sales is the ultimate purpose of all this activity.

What is the Importance of Logo Redesigning?

Logo redesigning is just like having a new makeover for your car, house or shop. A redesigned logo serves as a brand new public image for commercial organisations and brands. It is somewhat similar to getting a new hairdo.

For business organisations, logo redesigning acts as a modus operandi to boost marketing campaigns. As a common practice, logo redesigning is used by large business organisations as an effective marketing gimmick.

Also in times of lower sales and diminishing customer response, logo redesigning works as a catalyst to enhance sales and increases profits as a result.

End Note: The contents are the view points of the author and questions/responses are MORE than welcome.
