Logo Redesigning – Is it Worth the Hassle?

Opting for a new design for logos has now become a fashion for corporations worldwide. Either they want to redesign their company logo or want to change it altogether; innovation is the inspirational element in the world of made to fashion logo design. But is this the correct approach towards promoting a business or merely a continual optimistic quest for a unique logo design! After all, a logo is the main identity for business firms and most of them retain their logos to be uniform throughout the period of their existence.

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The question is quite simple. Why does the need arise for having a new design for their logos? Is it really worth the hassle? There are diverse views from different schools of thought in response to this issue.

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From a conservative point of view, some say that logos are (or considered to be) symbolic to the nature of business or name of a particular entity whether it is a business firm, an educational institution, a charitable organisation, a sports team / club or a government owned enterprise. Now tell me, “Who would want to just change their business logo design which is the symbol of one’s very identity?

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A business logo design that has never been changed retains a standing in the world. Every body knows about them and people feel proud to relate to them.

Supporters of change in business logo design would exclaim somewhat in the manner stated below.

“The only constant in this world is change”; this is what the other side would propagate with regard to the argument. In this ever changing world with ever changing trends, the only thing that seems just right is to acclimatize oneself to the winds of change. Therefore, go ahead and get a new design for your logo to accentuate the image of your brand!

When there is change in consumer trends around the globe, there should be change in business logo design and social habits are witnessing revolutionising modifications with the passage of time, cry change, not wolf. Brands worldwide are adapting to this wave of changing behaviours and logo redesigning is now top agenda for entrepreneurs and enterprising business owners.

The answer to why change your business logo design is right here in this article. You just have to look for it in your own way.


The author of this post is a senior consultant at logo design consultant. Questions / responses are more than welcome.

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