Free Logo Design Software! Can Your Corporate Image Be For Free?

freelogodesignsoftwares1 - Free Logo Design Software! Can Your Corporate Image Be For Free?


Do you think you can design a logo for your small business? If you do a search for logo design maker on Google, you will get thousands of free online logo design softwares. The idea seems to be wonderful at first, but at the end of the day you will realize the difference between a logo designed by a professional and a logo designed via logo maker.

So what is the catch here?

Say no to Logo Design Softwares!

I got a mail last week saying “design your own logo- only for $45”, I can bet I was not the only buying that logo design software. Imagine others buying the same logo design softwares and my company logo resembling with those of other companies. So much for a unique corporate identity! What would be the result? You will end up creating logo is neither unique nor professional. Imagine spending money and that too going to waste.

You should rather call it clipart composition software rather than logo design maker where you will be able to pull a few carelessly pre-designed templates together while adding some text resulting in a logo for your business, it sounds great but can you afford to rely on it? Do you think that it will be good enough to display your corporate image in front of your potential customers? Will it make you stand out amongst the crowd?

While allowing minimum customization, these templates are at times replicated from other websites magnetizing the copyright infringement problems. Furthermore, they are in pixel format requiring four color replication. These templates cannot be resized to be used for larger applications and cannot be utilized for other than a website.

Free logo design softwares usually advertise; “You don’t need design skills to create a logo”, there is nothing to be surprised at as there is no actual designing going on. In fact, all of these website offering logo design software are nothing but an attractive template package and a template is not a solution to create a worthy small business logo design. It is just like “You don’t need a doctor to help you to cure your disease.”

Therefore, let a professional logo designer deal with it…..

You must be thinking about small business owners who are very successful in promoting their brand through self-designed logos. They might be the ones who have some designing experience. Do you have that as well? If yes then why not go ahead and design your own logo. But if you don’t then it’s better to get it designed by a professional designer who knows how best to design one. If you are still unable to understand the differences then why not give it a shot! Try to get one designed by an expert and in the mean time design one yourself on free designing software. You will for sure see the results!

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