Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Restaurant Logo - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

How do you remember a restaurant serving Italian Mexican or Chinese sea food ? The restaurants that provide you with quality food, a pleasing dining environment and a service of excellence make a long lasting impression on your minds, so, you repeatedly go there to enjoy the tasty food. What makes you recognize such restaurants are their logos. Logos of restaurants work as a reminder to your past experiences about the place, so you tend to visit them again and again.

Here are the top 10 restaurant logos that will help you understand the importance of logos for restaurants:


Alinea logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Alinea Logo

ALIENA, restaurant in Chicago commenced in 1905. The chef and owner of the restaurant, GRANT ACHATZ is known for peanut butter and jelly flavor dishes across the globe. The restaurant was named ALINEA as an inspiration to the symbol of the new idea; and that’s what the logo of ALINEA restaurant portrays “New Ideas”.


pierre gagnairre logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Pierre Gagnairre Logo

PIERRE GAGNAIRE RESTAURANT is owned by the French chef, PIERRE GAGNAIRE. GAGNAIRE introduced the new style of French cooking by introducing juxtapositions of flavors, tastes, ingredients and textures; in other words, restaurant specializes in modern cosine. The logo features a table to attract the customers to have the best French food in Pierre’s restaurant.


Arzak logo design copy - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Arzak Logo

ARZAK, the Spanish restaurant in San Sebastian is famous worldwide for its great dishes. JOHN ARZAK with his talented daughter, ELENA have been serving the restaurant for years. Restaurant is famous for Basque cuisine including Lobsters with white Olive oil, Smoked white tuna with figs and pine nuts. The sea salt falling over the fonts in ARZAK logo reflects how they cook food.


Bras logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Bras Logo

Bras, the French restaurant is owned by MICHAEL BRAS. MICHAEL BRAS made it possible for the rural people of France to experience the great Japanese and French cuisines. The CISTRE (blade) symbol in the restaurant logo depicts the beauty and characteristics of landscape, AUBRAC.


Per se logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Per Se Logo

PER SE restaurant is located in the Columbus Circle of New York City. The restaurant is owned by THOMAS KELLER. Whether you talk about sea food or an appetite, per se is the place that you should experience. The simple logo of PER SE RESTAURANT portrays the phrase “per se” i.e. the name of restaurant itself which means “by itself”. Indirectly, the logo convey the message “People can eat and see for themselves, a different taste”.


ed celler de can roca logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Ed Celler De Can Roca Logo

EL CELLER DE CAN ROCA, a restaurant in Girona, Spain was founded in 1986 by three Roca brothers, JOAN ROCA (head-chef), JOSEP ROCA (sommelier) and JORDI ROCA (desserts in charge). The EL CELLER DE CAN RESTAURANT has a text based logo which features the name of the restaurant in style.


Mugaritz logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Mugaritz Logo

MUGARITZ is a restaurant in San Sebastian, Spain that lies in the village to the south of town. The chef ANDONI ADURIZ owns the MUGARITZ restaurant. The logo of the restaurant features a herb since the restaurant has herb and vegetable garden at its backside and chefs use those herbs in restaurant’s cuisine.


noma logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

Noma Logo

NOMA restaurant is a Michelin 2 star restaurant run by the Chef, RENE REDZEPI in Copenhagen, Denmark. NOMA was the name adopted by the restaurant as a combination of two Nordic words with an isolation of “no” from NORDISK (Nordic) and “ma” from MAD (food). The text based logo of restaurant has unique fonts.


The fat duck logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

The Fat Duck Logo

THE FAT DUCK, restaurant is run by Chef, HESTON BLUMENTHAL in Bray, Berkshire, England. The restaurant is famous for its molecular gastronomy principles to prepare food. The logo of the restaurant features general objects that are used to eat food in the restaurant and enjoy.


el bulli logo design - Top 10 Restaurant Logo Designs

El Bulli Logo

EL BULLI, the world’s famous restaurant is run by Chef, FERRAN ADRIA. The site for EL BULLI was laid in 1961 by DR HANS SCHILLING and his wife MARKETTA while the first EL BULLI restaurant was opened in 1964. The name of the restaurant came from the French bulldog that Shilling owned. The logo also features the bulldog and portrays Shilling’s love for his faithful pet.

You would have realized the different ideas behind famous restaurant logos be it for dining, appetite or fast food. Usually, a restaurant logo features food items, dining objects, unique typography with font’s style in black and white but these logos proved that there is much more to it and creatively you can design them in the best possible manner.

The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Logo Design Trends Logos - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

In contemporary times, the environment has speeded up and every day you see the revolution in technology, organizations and similarly logo designs. Every year, new logo design trends are unveiled and professional designers adopt the new trends and accordingly incorporate them in their designing. 2009 unveiled the following top 10 logo design trends:


VARIDOT trend spots a logo on the basis of a dotted pattern. Each dot in VARIDOT logo portrays a unique feature of corporate firm. Using the dots with perfection to create distinct shapes is the quality of VARIDOT logo design.

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Varidot logo 1

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Varidot Logo 2

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Varidot Logo 3


You can say the 2012 Olympics logo has given rebirth to 80’s geometry lesson concepts about the logos. Today, 80’s logo design concept of abstract shapes and bright colors has been brought back in the logo designing industry.

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S 1 Retro Logo

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S 2 Retro Logo

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80s 3 Retro Logo


Environment sustainability has become a core issue for the world. Today, organizations alongside their logos for business are also bringing the world to awareness through recycling logos. Recycling logos usually features the environmental products or services.

recycle 1 logo design - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Recycle 1 Logo

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Recycle 2 Logo

recycle 3 logo design - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!



ARABESQUE logo design trend reflects the Arabian art of calligraphy. Logo designers use all wits of graphic design to draw the complex figurative patterns and express the perfect illustrations of passion with beautiful creations.

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Arabesque 1 Logo

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Arabesque 2 Logo

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Arabesque 3 Logo


Nowadays, concealed logos have been in use preferred by many businesses. It’s just like solving a riddle and viewers too are excited to figure out the message concealed behind such logos.

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Concealed 1 Logo

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Concealed 2 Logo

concealed 3 logo design - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Concealed 3 Logo


Pictograms communicate nonverbally about the brand image of a corporation. A pictogram logo is easier to decipher as compared to the concealed logo design. The key element of pictograms logo is the visual cues.

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Pictogram 1 Logo

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Pictogram 2 Logo

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Pictogram 3 Logo


ENCRUST logo design trend features the symbolic texture in style. Scaling is the principle to cope with ENCRUST logos. ENCRUST is a unique trend since it uses more than 1 layer.

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Encrust 1 Logo

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Encrust 2 Logo

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Encrust 3 Logo


The origami theme reflects logo designer’s expertise of the creative artwork. Origami logos are the choice to create corporate monograms. The specialty of Origami theme is the Japanese style of small folds.

origami 1 logo design - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Origami 1 Logo

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Origami 2 Logo

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Origami 3 Logo


Psychedelic logo trend features the use of multitudinous colors and shapes outburst together into a scene. Psychedelic trend is usually used to portray the events and celebrations by the organizations.

psychedelic 1 logo design copy - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Psychedelic 1 Logo

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Psychedelic 2 Logo

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Psychedelic 3 Logo


Typography logo design trends would never become obsolete since typography features all essentials of logo designing: quality, simplicity, significance, brand image and balance. Business logo having creative typography gives it a unique image.

typography 1 logo design - The Top 10 Logo Design Trends of 2009 – Unveiled At last!

Typography 1 Logo

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Typography 2 Logo

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Typography 3 Logo

Preceding logo design trends were favored by the famous logo designers in 2009 and the companies that had their logos designed on these trends did give a professional and unique look. How will the same designing trends do in 2010 is yet to be judged. Every year there are new trends and designs that are the highlight. Let’s wait and see what the 2010 trends were and how they turned out to be at the end of the year.

Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

logo mistakes banner - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

A logo designing mistake can tarnish your brand image. Professional logos designers are aware what is MORE or LESS to a logo or one can say that the logo designing expert knows what is RIGHT or WRONG when it comes to designing logos. Custom professional and experienced logo designer can detect even a minor flaw in company logos designs.

How have brands helped themselves to fall flat?

Let’s take a look at the worst brand identities to find out the causes regarding the brand collapses:

London 2012 Olympics Logo

Designed by Wolff Olins

Over the years, Olympic logos have usually featured the host nations with their emblems reflecting the traditions of the place where the event has been held. The London 2012 Summer Olympics logo is rather different and the worst logo that has ever been designed for the Olympics. The logo represents 2012 as a design aiming to invite the world to be involved in the multisport event.

London 2012 Olympics Logo Design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

London 2012 Olympics Logo

Here are the blunders associated with the 2012 Olympics Logo:
1. The jagged edges in the logo don’t allow “2012” to appear properly.
2. The 5 Olympic logo rings appear very dim in the intense color.
3. Except the simple text “London”; there is no emblem in the logo to portray the Olympics host.

Can you see anything unusual in that logo?

Cover the Earth Logo

Designed by George W Ford

Sherwin Williams is a paint company which has the logo rightly named as “Cover the Earth”. The logo is very much outdated and awful but the amazing fact is that the company thinks that the logo is fine.

Cover the earth logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Cover The Earth Logo

Here are the flaws:
1. The tagline “Cover the Earth” in paint makes no sense, although, it’s yet a mystery how that logo has survived for 100 years.
2. The logo posses sloppiness and appears to be badly designed.

Would you like your Earth to be covered in red paint?

Check Point Software Technologies Logo

Designed by a 6 year old

Check Point, the global provider of IT Security Solutions has one of the worst logos of all times. The logo was designed by the Check Point’s CEO, Gil Shwed’s 6 year old daughter.

Checkpoint software technologies logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Checkpoint Software Technologies Logo

Here are the blunders:
1. The logo has no definite checkpoint that can be identified.
2. The logo looks unprofessional to represent the company.

Is it a wise move to let a 6 year old design your corporate logo?

MobileMe Logo

Designed by Apple Inc

MobileMe is a subscription based collection of online services offered by Apple Inc. The logo resembles with the Windows Me logo; and lacks several essential designing attributes.

MobileMe logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

MobileMe Logo

Here are the blunders that the Mobile Me logo has:
1. It would have been better if the designer had used the mobility in a design rather than the ego stroke “me”.
2. The banners cluttered with the cloud are confusing and don’t make sense.

What do you think about the suspicious cloud?

Buffalo Sabres Logo

Designed by Anonymous

Buffalo Sabres, the professional hockey team is the member of North East Division of the Eastern Conference of National Hockey League (NHL). It is also called as BUFFASLUGS due to the criticism that it has had.

buffalo sabres logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Buffalo Sabres Logo

Here are the blunders that Buffalo Sabres logo holds:
1. The logo represents the NHL team as the slugs than the sabres.
2. The logo is too generic and very much similar the brand identity of “Buffalo Bills”.
3. The logo is too abstract and lacking the conceptual design.

Do you think that the former logo of Buffalo Sabres was a better one?

Bing Logo

Designed by RAZORFISH

Bing, the current web search engine of Microsoft has been included in the category of worst logos for 2009. Interestingly Microsoft has designed the 2 worst logos of 2009, the other one is msn logo

Bing logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Bing Logo

The problems in Bing logo are as follow:
1. The fonts are freely drawn that even a teen can design using a Corel Draw.
2. The designer said that the logo has been designed from the scratch whereas the logo still looks like a scratch.

Do you think that the word “Bing” is itself confusing?

Kraft Foods Logo

Kraft Foods Inc. is the second largest food company in the world after Nestle SA. The new logo of Kraft foods Inc. has been controversial. It has been criticized by the people labeling as a copy of European Company “Yoplait”.

kraft foods logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Kraft Foods Logo

Here are the flaws:
1. The logo depicts a daycare company than a food company.
2. The multi colors in the logo are difficult to make sense of.

Does the Kraft Foods Inc. logo look realistic?

Wisconsin Department of Tourism Logo

Wisconsin logo was designed in order to attract the visitors to visit the state of Wisconsin. The odd slogan in the logo has failed to communicate the message of the state to its visitors.

Wisconsin department of tourism logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Wisconsin Department Of Tourism Logo

Here are the blunders:
1. The man doing the up stands over the typefaces; it’s corny and doesn’t attract the visitors a bit.
2. The choice of colors is poor to reflect the tourists.
3. The typography is at its best to be labeled the worst.

Who would like to pay $50, 000 for Wisconsin logo?

Lending Tree Logo

Designed by Mullen

Lending Tree, the online lending exchange is a web based company running a lead-generation business. The company provides affordable access to mortgages, loans and credit cards. The logo of the company doesn’t reflect the nature of business.

Lending tree logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Lending Tree Logo

The problem with the logo is that it’s too trendy.

Do you think that lending tree logo misguides people?

Xe Services LLC Logo

Designed by Anonymous

The US based Security Company; Black Water was involved in the shooting of Iraqi civilians that raised massive criticism again the company, so, the company changed its brand identity from Black Water to “XE”, pronounced as (zee).

Black water logo design - Top 10 Biggest Logo Design Mistakes

Black Water Logo

Regardless of this rebranding, experts are not convinced that the new logo would reinforce the image of company. Howard Belk, co-president and chief creative officer of brand strategy firm Siegel Gale, said that: “Now they look more like a spy organization, when [people] hear it, they won’t know how to spell it. When they see it, they won’t know how to say it.”

The problem with the logo is that it’s deceptive and furtive.

Would Black Water get its good image back through delusory rebranding?

You would have guessed by now that even a single flaw in a company logo can ruin your brand image. That’s the consequence of logo design blunders; therefore, the wise decision for a business would be to let its logo be designed by the hands of professional rather than amateur or inexperienced designers. What do you think?

Top 10 Olympics Logo– Mark of the Olympian Spirit

Olympics Logos1 - Top 10 Olympics Logo– Mark of the Olympian Spirit

The special multisport event Olympics features the events covering the summer and winter sports in which thousands of athletes compete for the glory and represent the pride of their nation. Both summer and winter Olympic Games are held alternately after 2 years time. The opening ceremony marks the official commencement of this special sports event whereas the closing ceremony ends with diminishing of the Olympic flame and passing of the flag to the next host nation.

There are a many logos of Olympic Games designed by expert designers representing the host nation for Olympic Games with class and style. Here are a few of the many classical logos of Olympics:

1936 Summer Olympics Logo:

1936 Summer Olympics, officially known as the game of XI Olympiad was held in Berlin, Germany. The 1936 Summer Olympics logo was created by the artist, Johannes Boehland. The logo consists of the German Eagle, one of the symbols of city. The inscription on the side of bell “Ich rufe die Jugend der Welt” means “I call the youth of the world” goes along perfectly well with the 1936 Summer Olympics logo design.

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1936 Summer Olympics Logo

1956 Winter Olympics Logo:

1956 Winter Olympics, officially known as the VII Olympic Winter Games was held in Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy. The logo features the emblem of Italian National Olympic Committee i.e. the stylized snowflake with the Olympic rings and a star. The dolomites (geological formation of carbonates) in the logo represent the Alpine region “Cortina d’Ampezzo” in style.

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1956 Winter Olympics Logo

1964 Winter Olympics Logo:

1964 Winter Olympics, officially known as the IX Olympic Winter Games were celebrated in Innsbruck, Austria. The 1964 Winter Olympics logo represents the coat of arms of Innsbruck, and portrays the bridge on the Inn River that connects the old town with the Hötting district.

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1964 Winter Olympics Logo

1976 Summer Olympics Logo Design:

The 1976 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XXI Olympiad, the multi sport event was celebrated in Montreal, Canada. George Huel designed the iconic logo for 1976 Summer Olympics. The logo portrays 3 symbolic elements, the Olympic rings, a running track (top centered) and an ‘M’ for Montreal.

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1976 Summer Olympics Logo

1984 Summer Olympics Logo Design:

The 1984 Summer Olympics, officially known as Games of the XXIII Olympiad were celebrated in Los Angeles, USA. The STARS used in the logo depict the highest aspirations, repetition of star shapes shows the competition spirits. The horizontal bars in the logo portray the speed of the contestants while the blue, white and red colors were chosen to award 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize as a traditional significance.

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1984 Summer Olympics Logo

1992 Summer Olympics Logo:

The 1992 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of XXV Olympiad; the sports event was celebrated in Barcelona, Spain. The 1992 Summer Olympics logo was designed by Josep Maria Trias. This Olympics logo depicts the dynamic human figure with the head in blue, arms in yellow and the legs as vivid red that portrays an athlete jumping over an obstacle.

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1992 Summer Olympics Logo

1998 Winter Olympics Logo Design:

The 1998 Winter Olympics, officially known as XXVIII Olympic Winter Games were celebrated in Nagano, Japan. The 1998 Winter Olympics logo highlights a flower with each petal representing an athlete practicing the different winter sport. The petals resemble the snow flakes, so, the 1998 Winter Olympics logo was given the name “Snow Flower”.

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1998 Winter Olympics Logo

2004 Summer Olympics Logo Design:

2004 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of XXVIII Olympiad were held in Athens, Greece. The logo depicts a wreath made from the branch of olive tree since olive is considered the sacred tree of Athens. The blue and white colors in the logo go along with the flag of Greece.

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2004 Summer Olympics Logo

2006 Winter Olympics Logo Design:

The 2006 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XX Olympics Winter Games were celebrated in Turin, Italy. The official motto of the 2006 Winter Olympics was: “Passion lives here”. The 2006 Winter Olympics logo represents the Mole Antonelliana as the ice crystals in blue and white, depicting the sky and snow.

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2006 Winter Olympics Logo

2010 Winter Olympics Logo Design:

The 2010 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXI Olympic Winter Games were held in Vancouver, Canada. The logo of 2010 Vancouver Olympics were named as Inunnguaq which means “friend”. This special logo was designed by Elena Rivera MacGregor and Gonzalo Allatore. The logo portrays the well known symbol of the Canadian North “Inukshuk” (cairn).

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2010 Winter Olympics Logo

Did you notice anything common in each of the Olympics logo? It’s the 5 interlocking rings that represent the special multisport Olympics. You would have got the point behind each of the Olympics logo design i.e. the nations where the Olympics are being held ensures that their emblem for Olympics portrays the Olympian spirit and mark of that nation.

Top 10 Children Logo

CHILDREN LOGO - Top 10 Children Logo

Today, there are many programs, toys, clothing, books, foodstuffs and games specifically targeted by the marketers towards children. Anything funny and interesting is surely going to grab the attention of a child; therefore, organizations which deal in such children’s products ensure that their business logo matches the standard of kids psyche to communicate effectively with them.

There are loads of logos targeted towards children that have had great recognition around the world. Here are few of the best children logos:

fisher price logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Fisher Price Logo

Fisher-Price Logo:

Fisher Price is a company that makes toys for infants and children. It is a subsidiary of Mattel Inc. Herman Price, Irving Price and Helen Schelle founded the company in 1930, so, the company was named by combining the names of its 2 founders. The animated red color curtain in Fisher-Price logo portrays dancing fonts from left to right that goes well with the slogan of the company: Play, laugh and grow.

Painted turtle logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Painted Turtle Logo

The Painted Turtle Logo:

The Painted Turtle is a camp located near Lake Elizabeth in the Lake Hughes of California. The camp is for chronically and terminally ill children. The Painted turtle was founded by Paul Newman and Page-Hannah Adler in 1999. The turtle theme logo was conceptualized by Adler who said that: It’s an animal that has a tough exterior and soft interior, very much like these kids we are serving.

tom and jerry logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Tom & Jerry Logo

Tom and Jerry Logo:

Tom and Jerry is a series of animated theatrical shots created by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera. The series features the never ending rivalry between the cat and the mouse. The logo of Tom and Jerry features the main characters of this series Tom (the common house cat) and Jerry (the clever mouse). The series has been popular for many years amongst children due to comical fights between two aggressive enemies.

kool aid logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Kool Aid Logo

Kool-Aid Logo:

Kool-Aid is a flavored-drink brand owned by Kraft Foods Company. The famous children beverage “Kool-Aid” was designed by Edwin Perkins and his wife kitty. The versatile fonts of the Kool-Aid logo with the blue shadow appear very refreshing. Kool-Aid man, a frosty pitcher filled with Kool-Aid is the mascot of the drink. The catch fresh “Oh Yeah” of the Kool-Aid man reflects the refreshing feeling that the beverage wants to deliver to the teens.

hot wheels logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Hot Wheels Logo

Hot Wheels Logo:

Hot Wheels, the brand of die cast toy car was introduced by Mattel in 1968. The famous iconic flame logo of the Hot Wheels was designed by “Rick Irons”. The wavy shape of flame in the logo portrays the movements of the toy car and the unique fonts go well with the company name “Hot Wheels”.

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Brooklyn Childrens Museum Logo

Brooklyn Children’s Museum Logo:

The Brooklyn Children’s Museum is situated in the Crown Heights of New York City’s most popular area. The museum was founded in 1899 following the proposal from the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science. The spark symbol in logo symbolizes the success of the Museum since 300 more children museums have been created as an inspiration to this museum.

learning express logo design - Top 10 Children Logo

Learning Express Logo

Learning Express:

Sharon DiMinico decided to set up her company “Learning Express” when she was inspired by an article published in Inc. Magazine. She opened up her 1st corporate specialty toy store in 1990 at Needham, Massachusetts. The slogan in the logo of Learning Express “Always the perfect toy” highlights the fact that the franchise store deals in providing children with high quality toys.

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Unicef Logo


UNICEF (United Nations International Children Emergency Funds) emphasizes the community level services to promote the health and well being of the children. UNICEF logo depicts the mission of the organization and stands out as an irreplaceable symbol. The olive branches in the logo portray peace, the globe represents people of the earth and the mother holding the child reflects the message care for children.

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Once Upon A Child Logo

Once upon a child Logo:

The first “Once upon a child” store was opened in Ohio in 1984. Once upon a child offers child clothes, toys, furniture and equipment. The letter “O” in the logo of the store has 2 arrows which portray the trade that parents do with the store in exchange of cash for new high quality stuff that the parents desire for their children, while the imbalance fonts depict child’s growth.

diglogo - Top 10 Children Logo

Dig Logo

Dig Magazine Logo:

Dig, the children magazine is published by Cobblestone publishing in association with Archaeological Institute of America. The goal of the magazine is to teach children Archaeology. Dr. Dig has been used as the central character for the magazine to grab the attention of kids. Colorful fonts have been used in the logo to bring the magazine to life as kids love colors.

You should have understood by now that the ideas behind the children logos demand innovation; therefore, the logo designers must have a thorough understanding of children’s psyche at the time of designing whether they are designing a logo for school kids or making the homepage for children oriented websites or any other designing stuff targeted towards kids.