Are you planning to make a web site that tops the web amongst your competitors? then you would be glad to know that this article is dealing with the ways through which you can acquire top search engine ranking on the web.
Here are the ways you need to follow:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the best technique on web that you need to follow if you’re planning your web site to be at the top of search engine ranking. There are tons of ways that search engine optimization follows; however, the key factor behind SEO involves clever use of keywords and phrases.
Utilizing keywords or emotional phrases that your potential customers are likely to search for within title, Meta description and H1 or H2 tags of your web pages is surely going to boost your search engine ranking.
Another important tool that SEO follows is link building. If your SEO is able to encourage the popular websites through quality contents; then such web sites would surely provide the back links to your websites. Consequently, you will receive more traffic on the web.
2. PPC (Pay per Click)
Pay per Click is the advertising model where publishers would get paid by you once your ads are clicked on their websites which boosts the traffic of your websites; ultimately leading you towards the top search engine ranking. You should make a good use of PPC advertising models as they increase the chances of sales of your products. Google AdSense, AdBrite and BidVertiser are some good PPC models that you may go for.
Article marketing is the tactic that dominates every online marketing technique. Submitting the unique articles with quality contents to top articles directory sites can generate high traffic to your web site. Articles directories freely host your websites where you can provide the link backs to your sites, so, it is always wiser to use those directories to gain popularity. Ezine Articles is the most famous article directory that you should always go for.
Being a smart marketer, the very first move that you should make in order to promote your website is that you make a fan page of your website on Facebook. Wondering why? Think a little deeper; Facebook is the social media website with maximum number of followers on the net, so imagine how many users can be shifted to your site by viewing your fan page. Even you can make updates about your web site through a fan page.
Top social bookmarking sites like Twitter, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon can really bring thousands of users to your website and help you a lot in acquiring the higher search engine ranking. Here are a few tips for you that you may follow in order to make your social book marking more effective:
- Submitting a part of some news with eye catchy headlines will surely draw the attention of users and shift them towards it, so, you may give the back link of your website within your news headline to let it be read full on your site.
- The more relations you make with users of social book marking sites, the more are the chances that your site gets bookmarked. Therefore, you should provide a bookmark button on your websites to make sure that your users bookmark the site.
Conclusion: As there are many tools to get at the top of search engine rankings; however, they are the best ways through which you won’t just generate the traffic to your website but also have your product sales at a greater extent.