Only a few people may know that government agencies possess loads of common features that any corporation may possess. As consumers have direct interaction with government agencies; therefore, these agencies have to maintain a positive and legitimate image in the eyes of their public. Therefore, they need something to portray their brand image to the audience and that something is their logo. Here are the logos of top 10 government agencies around the world:
10. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Logo Design

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the executive brand agency of United States Government; deals with nation’s civilian space program and aeronautics & aerospace research. JAMES MODARELLI designed the logo for NASA. The logo features planet as a sphere, stars as space, red chevron as a wing representing aeronautics and orbiting spacecraft going around the wing with custom design TYPE FONTS.
9. Federal Bureau of Investigation Logo Design

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an agency that belongs to the US Department of Justice. FBI serves as a federal criminal investigative body and international intelligence agency as well. The seal logo of FBI incorporates the following elements:
a. Dominant Blue Field: Portray Justice.
b. The circle of 13 stars: Purposeful Unity
c. The laurel leaf: Depict academic honors, distinction and fame.
d. Red Parallel stripes: Reflect courage, valor and strength.
e. White stripes: Feature cleanliness, light, truth and peace.
f. Motto: Fidelity, bravery and integrity.
g. The peak beveled edge: Challenges that stand in front of the agency and its ruggedness.
h. Gold Color: Portray the value of agency.
8. Federal Communications Commission Logo Design

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (FCC), an independent agency of the US government was established by the Communications Act of 1934. The logo of commission features RIPPLES that portray the brand identity of this agency as a transmission medium. Blue BACKGROUND in the logo depicts trustworthiness of FCC. The TYPE FONTS used for the acronym FCC are Arial Black Italic while FULL LETTERS feature “Arial” TYPE FONTS.
7. Texas Education Agency Logo Design

Texas Education Agency (TEA), the branch of the state government of Texas holds the responsibility of public education. The mission of TEA is to provide guidance and resources to schools so that the students can have all the educational needs. The acronym “TEA” in agency’s logo features VERDANA BOLD ITALIC type fonts while full letters represent “LATHA” type fonts. The square academic cap above the letter “A” features BRAND IDENTITY of TEA.
6. United States Environmental Protection Agency Logo Design

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has taken the charge to protect health of human beings and the environment on the basis of law passed by the Congress. The great logo of USEPA symbolizes the purpose of its existence. An icon representing WATER, GRASSLAND & SKY altogether portrays the agency concerns towards environment. 2-LEAVED FLOWER symbolizes healthy growth of a community for which the agency mainly works on.
5. Food and Drug Administration Logo Design

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services protects and promotes public health through regulation and supervision of food safety and drugs. FDA enforces some other laws under Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act. The logo of FDA features custom drawn TYPEFONTS that looks the same as TYPE FONTS used in CNN & Sega logo designs.
4. Missile Defense Agency Logo Design

Missile Defense Agency (MDA) of the US Governments Department of Defense holds the responsibility of developing a layered defense against the ballistic missiles. The current logo of MDA has been controversial as the logo represents a crescent moon. However, if you see the logo without incorporating the religious conflict; you would find that the logo features national colors of US and symbolize patriotism.
3. Royal Mail Logo Design

Royal Mail is the local postal service of UK. The history of Royal Mail is related with the kings. The logo represents a GOLDEN CROWN in order to portray the history of service which relates with era of kings. The TYPEFACES used in logo resemble Linotype Pump while the color, RED symbolizes vitality of the postal service.
2. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Logo Design

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), the Canadian Federal Crown Corporation holds the responsibility to manage Canada nuclear energy research and development program. The BODONI MT BLACK type fonts are used in the logo of AECL. An inspirational icon to represent an ATOM has been used in the logo design of AECL that portrays the brand identity of AECA effectively.
1. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Logo Design

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the US government agency was established by Energy Reorganization Act in 1974. The seal logo of the best government agency of 2009 features a BALD EAGLE. The eagle is carrying weapons (arrows) with its one leg and leaves with the other with the flag of US EMBOSSED over eagle’s body; in other words, the emblem portrays the PURPOSE that NRC works for.
You would have noticed that icons, emblems, typefaces and colors; each of these attributes in government agencies logo stand for some purpose. In short, the logos of government agencies portray their purpose of existence to the general public efficiently.