The primary focus of a financial and banking company is to convince you to believe in the company to invest your money. Most of the people have wrong perception or fear of investing in financial institutions. Therefore, the banking and financial planning sector work hard to portray their positive image to the audience and a unique logo design is one of whose elements that helps in creating a positive image of the company. Logo design of such companies depicts honesty, trust and justice to the audience.
Here are the top 10 logos of financial companies:
10. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ICBC) Logo
ICBC is the largest bank in the world by market capitalization. It was founded as a limited company on January 1st, 1984. In July 2007, with market capitalization of US $254 billion, it became the world’s largest bank after increase in its share price, overtaking Citigroup. The red circle in the logo symbolizes ICBC world’s prestige while the vertically formed “H” depicts the bank domination of H-shares traded to Honk Kong.
9. Banco Santander Logo
Banco Santander is the leading bank of Spain. It offers retail banking and consumer finance services in Spain, Portugal, UK and other parts of Europe. The current logo was formed after the merger of two equally balanced firms “Santander” and “Banco Central Hispano”. Red color background in the logo depicts the aggressiveness, passion, vitality and strength of Banco Santander.
8. The Blackstone Group
Blackstone, the world’s leading investment and advisory firm has been working hard for a long time to create its positive economic value impact and long term relationship with its investors. The Blackstone Group also works as a financial advisor to businesses and gives advice business owners for strategic developments, finances, restructuring and reorganizing. The black & white logo of the famous firm has the text “black stone” in a black background to portray its identity.
7. Credit Suisse Logo
Credit Suisse was established by Alfred Escher in 1856 under the name SCHWEIZERISCHE KREDITANSTALT. The bank has 3 divisions namely Investment Banking, Private Banking and Asset Management. The logo is a result of restructuring of Credit Suisse Group with the First Boston Corporation. The typeface in the logo depicts the discretion and prestige of the bank while the Sail-like symbol portrays the pioneering spirit and heritage of the firm.
6. Visa Inc. Logo
Visa Inc. is a global payments technology company headquartered in San Francisco, California. Visa Inc. through visa cards connects consumers, financial institutions, businesses and governments in more than 200 countries to enable them to use digital currencies instead of cash. The logo of the Visa Inc. is text based with blue color and orange flick on the letter “V” to depict transactions.
5. Goldman Sachs Logo
Goldman Sachs, the global investment banking and securities firm was founded in 1869 with headquarter at 200 West Street, in the Lower Manhattan of New York City. The simple typographic logo of the service has a blue background with the bottom of letter “G” and the top of letter “S” joined together to justify the trustworthiness of firm.
4. JPMorgan Logo
JPMorgan is a leading financial services firm with assets of $2 trillion on the global scale. JPMorgan has been running its operations in 60 countries of the world. As of June 2008, the custom design JP Morgan logo with BODONI fonts has been used for Company’s Investment Banking, Asset Management and Treasury & Service units.
3. Citibank Logo
Citibank is the corporate banking branch of the Citigroup, one of the giant financial services of the world. PAULA SCHER very smartly designed the UMBRELLA logo of Citibank. The umbrella justifies the claim of the bank: “Bank on the Go”. Paula used logo to be symbolized as the marriage of the word “CITI” with “TRAVELLERS INSURANCE UMBRELLA” with letter “t” in the logo to be assumed as the handle for travel.
2. HSBC Logo
HSBC is a UK based public limited company. Now, it is world’s largest banking group and 6th largest company of the world according to Forbes Magazine. HENRY STEINER designed its logo. Hexagon symbol was adopted by its subsidiary ”The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation” in 1983 that was developed from bank’s house flag with white rectangle divided diagonally to produce shape of the hour glass.
1. American Express (Amex) Logo
The old American Express was founded in 1850 in New York. It was the first company to gain recognition of the world after economic emergence in US. The American express logo has a simple blue background with simple typography. The text is highlighted in white in order to keep the focus of the audience towards the company. The blue color background in the logo portrays reliability of diversified global financial services company.
You would have realized that each financial company ensures to have a unique logo in order to stand out among its audience. The feature of trust, strength and prestige is an absolute necessity of the financial logo designs. All of the preceding companies are included in the list of topmost financial companies and each of these companies has a unique logo to portray their distinctive identity.