11 FAQs for Business Branding

1. What is the essence of a brand and what are its benefits?
2. Do I need brand?
3. Does branding influence the decision of my customers?
4. How a brand can help me to hit the ground running even with a limited budget?
5. Is a LOGO mandatory to build a brand?
6. Is it better to register my brand name as a trademark and how much does it cost?
7. Would having an established brand ever counteract against me?
8. Can brand extensions work for me?
9. How much does a brand value?
10. What generates revenues and builds the trust for my brand in the first place?
11. How do I transform my vision into an ideal brand?

1. What is the essence of a brand and what are its benefits?

Wondering about a Brand? A brand is what your customers perceive about you. The better way you present your products, services or business in the market; the more the customers would come to know about your brand.

Brand Benefits a Lot!

It’s the brand that UNLOCKS THE DOOR OF OPPORTUNITIES for you. For example; you can look forward to extend product branding if you already have a well-established brand.

The BETTER IMAGE of your brand aids your smaller business to be recognized amongst your competitors.

GOODWILL about your brand in the minds of customers increases the market performance of your business.

2. Do I need brand?

Yes! Every business whether it’s SMALL or BIG needs a brand. The brand is an ambassador of your business and conveys to the customers what your business promises them. It’s not the promotional advertisements that attract the customers, in fact it’s the brand loyalty that your customers have about your brand that gives value to your business.

3. Does branding influence the decision of my customers?

The means to make your customers think about you! Your brand is the perception about your business in the minds of customers. You have to find the ways to make your customers talk about your brand positively. This WORD OF MOUTH ADVERTISEMENT would surely save you extra money and promote your business too. It may take years to establish the positive attitude for your brand among customers but patience would PAY YOU if your branding strategy is the perfect one. Here are a few of the many ways through which you can make the customers to think optimistically about your brand:

Your BRAND PROMISE should deliver to the customers what they desire from you.

You should acquire a LOGO for your business so that the customers can identify your brand.

You have to win-over the customers perception logically and utilized your financial resources efficiently in order to build up the positive thinking about your brand in the minds of your customers.

4. How a brand can help me to hit the ground running even with a limited budget?

Branding does not require a lump sum of money. Cost is not what makes you extraordinary, it’s the values that your business provides to the customer which makes you special. Your brand can be a success even if you have a small budget. You just have to be sure that you are investing your budget in the right place. Here are the some areas where you should invest:

1- At first, you need to negotiate with the designers or consultants and let them know about the elements that you need for your brand so that they can help you build your brand image.

2- Fragmentation of the media has been the blessing for a small business; you can advertise about your business through the cost-effective media channels.

The notion “BRANDING IS EXPENSIVE” is just a myth. Only the proper branding strategy can lead your small business to rule over the BIG ones.

5. Is a LOGO mandatory to build a brand?

Absolutely! The logo serves as the brand identity of a business. It is the logo which justifies the ins and outs of a business. You can ask yourself: Why do the top 100 brands have a logo? Coca Cola, IBM, Microsoft, General Electric, Nokia are the best global brands of the year 2009 and each of these brands has a logo. A logo is the brand ambassador for a business; therefore, a logo is mandatory.

6. Is it better to register my brand name as a trademark and how much does it cost?

Getting your brand trademarked is mandatory. Registering your brand name as a trademark aids you a lot in the long-term; it saves you from future conflicts. But in order to register your brand name, your ‘mark’ should be unique and distinct. You have to ensure that no one else has before you registered for the trademark that you are registering for right now.

Registration for your brand name as a trademark costs $375 in the US, but you would also have to pay additional costs for trademark services or protocols. Prices for all these are listed on the United States Patent and Trademark Office website. You might want to handover this work to a trademark agent, who may also be a patent agent. You can find out a suitable and the qualified one from the US Office of Enrollment and Discipline (OED).

7. Would having an established brand ever counteract against me?

Rarely! An established brand may work against you if your existing brand has been marked by some disgrace or it has become obsolete and unreliable. Under these situations, the established brand would work against you.

8. Can brand extensions work for me?

Only if your brand values apply to the extension! You should go for extended product branding only if your new products and services provide the same standards that your parent brand has provided to the customers before.

An example of brand extension is Ralph Lauren’s Polo that successfully extended from clothing to home furnishings such as bedding and towels.

9. How much does a brand value?

Don’t know how much a brand is worth? Conventionally, a company is valued purely on the basis of its tangible assets. Ever since managers have come to recognize marketing, they have realized that the company’s major assets are the customers. It’s the strong relationships with the customers that make them brand loyal. Moreover, a strong brand attracts new customers and retains your existing ones.

Investing in your brand yields better results for your company rather than spending on other expenses. Nowadays, brand valuation has become more important for organizations; therefore, organizations are investing more and more on their brands.

10. What generates revenue and builds the trust for my brand in the first place?

Brand experience! It’s the customers’ brand experience that decides whether your brand is going to generate revenues or you have to incur losses. If the customers experience what they desire from your brand promise; then your brand loyalty won’t be at stake and your turnover will be high.

11. How do I transform my vision into an ideal brand?

Want the dream about your brand to come true? You need to understand your target audience and evaluate what would they perceive about your brand today. The vision of your brand should resonate with the minds of your audience. Your brand vision has to be synchronous with the company goals and objectives that you have planned for your future.

Top 10 Web 2.0 Logo

web 2.0 header - Top 10 Web 2.0 Logo

When it comes to web based application, the tool that tuck your mind in an instant is web 2.0. No one can deny the efficiency of a web 2.0 technology whether you host a website, create blogs or forums, the service in hand for you is Web 2.0. Web 2.0 services allow online activities to a business such as managing the company accounts, editing site homepage or publishing a new blog on the daily basis.

The foremost feature of a web 2.0 technology is that it enhances the credibility of your business. A web 2.0 logo promotes an online business in style whether your business is about social networking, website designing or information sharing. Here are 10 examples in order to make you familiar the topmost web 2.0 logos:

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Wikipedia Logo

Wikipedia Logo

The web 2.0 logo of Wikipedia is quite an art. The logo takes the picture of a puzzled sphere with a few pieces missing at the top to resemble the globe. The silver colored logo of Wikipedia portrays that website covers each phenomenon occurring across the globe. Imprinted symbols on the Wikipedia logo feature the multilingual character of the site, Wikipedia.

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Blogger Logo

Blogger Logo

Are you familiar with this one? Seeing this web 2.0 logo, you would have grasped the name. Yes! The big orange ‘B’ logo characterizes the famous publishing tool for blogs, ‘Blogger’.

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Facebook Logo

Facebook Logo

Who wouldn’t know one of the famous social networks of the world, ‘facebook’? The simple web 2.0 logo of facebook has two colors i.e. blue and white. It’s only a plain nature of its logo design that catches eyes of the viewers.

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Linkedin Logo

LinkedIn Logo

LinkedIn, another renowned networking site for professionals that resembles Yahoo answers in a specific manner. The web 2.0 logo of LinkedIn clearly portrays the purpose of the site i.e. “To build trustworthy business connection”.

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9 Rules Logo

9 rules Logo

The famous web 2.0 logo of the blogging network, ‘9 Rules’ was designed by the genius Mike Rundle who used 9 layered leaves in the logo. The 9 rules that each of the leaf portrays are as follow:
• Love what you do.
• Never stop learning.
• Form works with function.
• Simple is beautiful.
• Work hard, play hard.
• You get what you pay for.
• When you talk, we listen.
• Must constantly improve.
• Respect your inspiration.

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Feedburner Logo

Feed Burner Logo

Feed Burner, is one of the famous website feed management provider of custom RSS feeds and management tools to bloggers and publishers. Feed Burner has also adopted the Web 2.0 logo as a feed icon in order to portray its image in style across the globe.

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Skype Logo

Skype Logo

Skype, a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the internet is another good example of web 2.0 logo. The upper portion of the letter ‘S’ is connected to its lowers portion in order to represent the connection of the two parties while the light blue and dark blue color depicts different areas; the two parties that are making an online call.

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Stumbleupon Logo

Stumble Upon Logo

The web 2.0 logo of Stumble Upon consists of the two letters ‘S’ and ‘U’ with its unique typography in order to look distinct from the other web browsers. The purpose of the logo is quite simple i.e. “To make people identify the famous web browser easily through its unique logo”.

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Technorati Logo

Technorati Logo

Technorati, an internet search engine to search blogs is a combination of two words i.e. ‘technology’ and ‘literati’. The web 2.0 logo of the search engine symbolizes the identity of user based search media, ‘Technorati’.

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Twitter Logo

Twitter Logo

Whoever is familiar with online social networking services would surely recognize the Pico letter ‘t’ logo. Web 2 0 logo as the Pico letter‘t’ is enough for the famous micro blogging service, twitter to portray its identity that allows users to send and read messages as tweets. Therefore, twitter has kept its logo simple.

logo - Top 10 Web 2.0 LogoStep by Step an online platform, which provide guides on anything related to daily life issue. The logo truly shows the simplicity of instructions provided and reflect the concept behind it i.e. guidance on every step is found able at Stepbystep.com.

After the brief review of the topmost web 2.0 logos, you would have recognized the specialty of a web 2.0 logos and its importance for social networking sites.

Top 10 Software and Hardware Logos

software hardware header - Top 10 Software and Hardware Logos

Why do giant software and hardware designing companies have unique logos? Each company having a unique logo isn’t just a coincidence. It’s their professional logos that appeal to their audience. Therefore, big companies prefer an effective and efficient logo design that reflects their business standards. Let’s review the top 10 hardware and software logos to grasp the idea behind their logos success:

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Microsoft Logo

Microsoft Corporation Logo

Microsoft Corporation has been recently ranked as #1 software developing company. Soft wares designed by Microsoft for internet, graphics and office applications are recognized as the best around the world. The slash between the letters “s” and “o” in Microsoft logo emphasize that the corporation stands for software and sets an example for corporate companies how to portray their benchmarks.

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Intel Logo

Intel Corporation Logo

If you say that Intel Corporation is the biggest name in hardware products, you won’t be wrong since the corporation is the largest provider of semiconductor chips round the globe. Intel invented x86 microprocessor series i.e. found in almost each PC. Intel is an abbreviation for Integrated Electronics; that’s also what the logo of Intel Corporation portrays and reminds the audience about its hardware products.

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Hewlett Packard Logo

Hewlett-Packard Company Logo

Hewlett-Packard Company is the 2nd biggest name in hardware manufacturing. Company has been named after William Hewlett and David Packard who established the company “hp” in 1939. Circle in white encircling the tilted fonts with a black color rectangular background depicts the creativity of hp logo design; in other words, hp logo in black and white looks great.

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Oracle Logo

Oracle Corporation Logo

Oracle Corporation is another big name in soft ware developing after Microsoft Corporation. Oracle Corporation was the first company to develop and deploy 100 % internet-enable enterprise software. The orange red color logo of Oracle Corporation with a unique typography conveys innovation.

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Apple Logo

Apple Inc. Logo

Apple Inc. is the 3rd recognized hardware manufacturing brand across the globe. The company posses a good image for its creative hardware products such as Macintosh computers and Apple iPod. The monochrome Apple logo depicts flexibility to Apple Inc. and eases the company to brand its products.

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Canon Logo

Canon Inc. Logo

Canon Inc., the Japanese corporation is recognized for its optical hardware products around the world. Almost, everyone knows that Canon Inc. is famous for its cameras. The bright red color logo of Canon Inc. effectively depicts Canon’s corporate spirit to set a global standard for advance technologies. The inward stroke of letter “C” in Canon’s logo portrays novelty.

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SAP Logo


SAP AG is the 3rd best software developing corporation after Oracle. The company is well known for its SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) soft ware. SAP stands for Systeme, Anwendungen und Produkte in der Datenverarbeitung; in simple words “Systems, Application and Products in Data Processing”. SAP logo follows the fundamental principle of logo designing i.e. “simplicity”.

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Dell Logo

Dell Inc. Logo

Dell Inc. leads the Xerox Corporation in hardware products. Since Michael Dell founded the company; therefore the corporation was named after him as “Dell”. Each letter in logo of Dell is placed straight except the letter “E”. Dell kept ‘E’ crooked in its logo to build brand image. If Dell would have kept its “E” straight; it won’t be eye catchy and people won’t be able to identify Dell Inc. since “dell” is also a dictionary word.

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Xerox Logo

Xerox Corporation

Xerox Corporation had been recognized for its black & white printers and photocopiers in the past. Today, the company has emerged as one of the giant hardware manufacturing company, manufacturing the large volumes of LCD monitors and digital printers. The term “Xerox” is a synonym of photocopier. Since, people started to perceive Xerox as the photocopier company; therefore Xerox added a red sphere marked by white “X” laced with silver stripes in Xerox logo to overcome the misconception about its brand image.

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Adobe Logo

Adobe Systems Incorporated Logo

Adobe Systems Incorporated was founded in December, 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke. The corporation’s user friendly software has brought complex protocol applications at ease. You would have seen many logos of software for graphics but what makes Adobe logo unique is the triangular abstract “A” i.e. used as homage to its first logo designed by Marva Warnock who kept the letter “A” stylized in first logo of Adobe.

In a nut shell, the great software and hardware logos have 3 elements in common i.e. unique fonts, creative typography and significant colors.

The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

TRAVEL - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

How do customers remember an air travel website? It’s their logos that help us recognize air travel services. Travel agencies don’t just sell you traveling tickets; they sell you the moments to enjoy your life. Therefore, travel companies design websites logo in such a way that their travel agents logos draw maximum customer attention to their online sites.

The best tourism agency logo would be such that it communicates services of agency in style. Let’s review the top 10 travel websites logo in order to understand how important the logo is for a travel web site:

kayak com travel website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

kayak Travel Website Logo

Kayak.com Logo

If you want to stay at the hotels, spend vacations or rent a car; then Kayak.com is one of the greatest search engine website to follow up your travel. Kayak.com provides you an online service to book flights, hotels or trips. Kayak.com logo highlights the name “Kayak” with white while the straight line representing the destinations for arrival and departure of passengers.

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Expedia Travel Logo


Expedia.com is another useful site to buy an airline ticket, reserve hotel room and rent car online. Expedia logo features an airplane with notion of a globe. The slogan in the Expedia logo “Where you book matters” depicts the purposeful fact that Expedia services are promissory.

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Hotels Travel Logo


Hotels.com offer consumers, the hotels to stay at a discounted price. The site also offers vacation packages to make a long term relationship with consumers. The red color in the Hotel.com logo represents royalty since the service offers 5 star hotels while 2 arrows pointing up and down the letter ‘o’ are used for the elevator.

celebrity cruises travel website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

Celebrity Cruises Travel Logo

Celebritycruises.com Logo

Celebritycruises.com is a cruise line founded in 1988 by the Greek Chandris Group. The word chi is presented as signature “X” in the travel website logo is used for the Greek group ‘Chandris’. What make Celebritycruises.com to be categorized as one of the best online travel service are its service standards.

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Travelocity Travel Logo


Travelocity.com is also one of the renowned traveling website. The services include booking flights, trips, car rentals or vacation packages. Obviously, the name ‘Travelocity’ depicts how fast the service is. The 3 stars on the site logo represent the fact that: “Stars are natural Compass” since people used stars to measure time in the past.

just fares travel website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

Just Fares Travel Logo

Justfares.com Logo

Justfares.com provides you the services of airfare specialists around the world. The air travel agency offers assistance of specialists to make you fly across the globe at a cheaper rate. The symbol in the logo of Justfare.com portrays that the company offers you travelling services at a justified rate.

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Hotwire Travel Logo

Hotwire.com Logo

Hotwire.com is the site to be referred when you have to avail the discount for traveling. Hotwire.com offers low-priced car rentals, airfares, vacation packages and hotels. The logo of the website has general fonts. The thing which is noticeable in the logo of Hotwire.com is the airplane featured within the letter ‘o’ that depicts the nature of services that the website offers.

side step travel website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

Side Step Travel Logo


Sidestep.com is search engine of the higher class that gives you addresses of hundreds of traveling websites. The upward arrow in the logo of Sidestep represents travel while the circular icon represents globe and the orange spot inside global icon is used to portray traveler’s destination.

travel com website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

Travel Website Logo

Travel.com Logo

The online website “Travel.com”, offers users services to book flights, vacation destinations, hotel reservation and rental cars. It’s the competency element of this traveling website that has boosted its benchmark up. The logo features a globe with 2 swoosh marks encircled as planetary rings in order to represent that the travel service works effectively across the globe.

trip advisor website logo design - The Top 10 Travel Website Logo

Trip Advisor Logo

Tripadvisor.com Logo

Tripadvisor.com is a free travel guide service and research website that offers you traveling information. The owl in the logo represents the truth since owl is considered to be the wisest bird. The logo is meaningful because the site provides you with plenty of information regarding travel.
In a nutshell, a travel website logo must portray the services that travel agency offers to the customers in style just like the ones that have been described above.

Top 10 TV Channel Logos

tv channel banner - Top 10 TV Channel Logos
There are a hundreds of TV channels broadcasting news, entertainment, discoveries, music and sports through a cable or satellite but people don’t prefer to watch any TV channel; they prefer those television channels that entertain them, the most. What makes people remember such channels and turn on to them the next day is their logo. It is one of the elements that helps to create a good brand image and that’s what all top TV stations have.

Let’s see the top 10 TV channels logos to realize how much a logo means to these channels:

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Animal Planet Logo

Animal Planet Logo:

Animal Planet logo was created by Discovery Communications on Oct 1st, 1996. The live channel specifically broadcasts different theories, ways of living and other relevant stuff about animal’s life. Animal Planet logo has been designed in three shades of green color to address nature with the letter “M” appearing as a letter ”W” in light green shade, purposefully emphasized in order to focus the wild themes that the channel displays.

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CNN Channel Logo

CNN Logo:

CNN, the cable news network and one of the best news channels was founded in 1980 by Ted Burner. It was the first TV channel to broadcast news, 24 hours a day. CNN logo has remained the same since start. The three letter stroke logo represents the continuity to reflect the purpose; the channel serves for i.e. 24 hours news. In other words, CNN logo portrays supremacy of the channel.

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Comedy Central Channel Logo

Comedy Central Channel Logo:

Comedy Central is an American cable television that is renown for its comedy programs. Comedy Central logo reflects the evolution of the popular channel when it emerged on the screen as one of the most successful comedy network in 1991. The red color background in channel’s logo portrays how the channel has adopted risk taking comedy as a challenge to be accepted by the people.

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Discovery Channel Logo

Discovery Channel Logo:

Discovery channel was founded by John Hendricks and falls under the umbrella of Discovery Communications. The channel is based on documentary programming similar to History and National Geographic channel. The logo features tight fonts and the earth reflects the channel’s cause of existence i.e. to portray evolutionary documentary on the basis of Earth Science.

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Food Network Logo

Food Network Channel Logo:

Food network as the name indicates is a channel about food and cooking. The online channel broadcasts both recurring and one time programs about food and cooking. The circular logo of the channel, takes shape of a plate with food written at its centre in order to represent the channel’s purpose while red color background is used to reflect the hunger.

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Fox Soccer Channel Logo

Fox Soccer Channel Logo:

The mobile internet channel “Fox Soccer” is owned by News Corporation’s Fox Entertainment Group. The channel broadcasts rugby and the Australian football. Fox soccer shield logo over the golden background represents the brand image of the popular sports channel Fox Soccer in style.

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History Channel Logo

History Channel Logo:

History, formerly known as History Channel broadcast the historical events, personalities and scientific phenomena with observations as noted by the historians. The letter “H” serves as a trademark to History while the triangular shape is used as a play button for animations and fly outs during commercials and shows.

national geographic logo design - Top 10 TV Channel Logos

National Geographic Logo

National Geographic Channel Logo:

The TV channel National Geographic also called as NAT GEO airs documentaries with factual contents on history, science, arts and culture. The rectangular portrait frame of National Geographic logo in yellow reflects the cause of natural geography i.e. to expand and spread the geographical knowledge across the globe.

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Nickelodeon Logo

Nickelodeon Channel Logo:

Nickelodeon is the American cable network owned by MTV Network. Although, Nickelodeon’s prime time block aims at teenagers but the channel is specifically for the kids between the age of 6 and 12. The Nickelodeon logo portrays slime splat as homage to their old tradition when the Nickelodeon was well known of throwing the slime splat at big stars.

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MTV Logo

MTV Channel Logo Design:

MTV was launched on August 1st, 1981. The original purpose of the channel was to play music videos but the channel later on started to broadcast the popular culture and reality TV shows. It also lead popular music channel “MTV” to a controversy in the past, so the channel dropped the word “Music Television” from its logo and categorized itself as an entertainment channel.

You would have realized that the top 10 TV channels have one thing in common i.e. they aim to build credibility with their viewers. Therefore, the tool that top TV channels use in order to portray their good image to the viewer is a purposeful logo design that describes exactly what the channel is all about.